Our ew slig bag is both comfortable ad rugged. Desiged i collaboratio with Carryology, we have created a hybrid of form ad fuctioality.The outward facig is costructed from Dyeema 170gsm composite fabric. With a bellows compressio to keep your belogigs i place durig activity, the compressio is tesioed by two Cobra frame tesio locks o a 5 bar webbig. The mai compartmet is accessed by a YKK 6mm ylo coil Aquaguard zipper. Iterally there are three sleeves (phoe / suglasses size) ad a pe slot. The bag is lied with our sigature crak desig had prited o a atural cotto drill. There are two wigs with embossed lash patches ad a 38mm 9 bar webbig strap, with a double sided tesioig cobra buckle with strap keepers.The body facig side is made from a rumbled Italia veg taed leather, providig comfort ad grip. This will develop a patia uique to the user.Weight: 590g Dimesios (cm) whe closed: W35xH22xD7cm Volume Estimate: